There's so much more than what's shown in the actual video (animated AO stands for male & female, funny walks, sits, etc) soooo... Now click here & GO! GO! GO!
Animating for Second Life
Starting with natural human movement, Animazoo animation production techniques have been carefully developed to produce natural and realistic looking animations for your avatar.
What Animazoo offers
At Animazoo you'll find dances, walks and stands for male and female avis, AOs and more. In addition to their animations, they offer free animation overriders and tutorials for configuring your AO (including a video tutorial). There are also links and landmarks to other animation resources. Oh, and don’t forget to check out the freebies by the entrance!
Custom Animations
If you can’t find what you need they are happy to help with their custom animations service. Please IM Dave Bellman for more details.
Updates group
They update the range regularly, so make sure you come back to check out new arrivals. If you would like to receive notifications on updates to the range, just search for the 'Animazoo' group and join - membership is free! If you have any suggestions or queries please IM Dave Bellman.

I hit the place up for a cartwheel and I got bombarded by blingtards and barbies :( Except for Dinee (wave)
But I think in a week's time you're gonna see folks slowly replacing their sine wave dances with all the things from Animazoo and I'll still be pimpin my break dances from last year cuz I rock it like that.
Truth be told I just hate buyin stuff. I know its sad ...
I so wish you'd list what dances/animations you include in the videos... I'd love to buy some of the ones I see, but on my trip there I didn't find anything that looked good...
Sorry about that Shadow. I'll try to do the best I can & list them here in order of appearance in video:
Animazoo dance 1
Animazoo dance 2se
Animazoo dance 5
Animazoo sliding feet
dance 1
dance 5
dance 4
dance 6
dance 7
dance 8
dance 11
Adec and I checked these out a couple weeks ago on your recommendation and they're quite good. I wish they would come up with more original names so I didn't have like 25 "dance xx" in my animation folder. Great find, Jelly <3
I'm sure someone's mentioned mocapped is Motion Capture. That's where they wear a device and actually make the animation from the body movements. It's a pretty neat process, but then again, I'm a nerd. :/
That's unless mocapp is secret for something else heh.
Hope this helps, and if you already know, sorry for the repetitive info.
PS: lovin MGG more and more each day :)
"Animazoo dance 2se
Animazoo dance 5"
Where do you find these...? I couldn't find them in any of the vendors...
I'm almost sure Dance 5 is in a vendor. Mayhapsibly the "free" vendor. As for the other, I think that was given to me. Definitely shoot an IM to Dave Bellman. He'll be more than happy to help you find them. :)
I must of missed something I looked at several of the vendors and didn't really find anything tnat was very good or different I'll have to take a look again
Yay Jelly!
A great video and a great find!
I went there and grabbed not only some dances but also a new walk (aren't we all a bit tired of the various 'Sexy Walk' clones?) and a flying animation.
After showing off one of the dances at a party I suddenly got 5 other folks asking for the Landmark to Animazoo.
Woo Hoo!!!
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