Mr. Anti-Fashion Fashion Designer has decided to dabble in hair. For those of you familiar with Heroes, Truth is like Peter Petrelli. He absorbs powers of those around him. The man is like a sponge. He's dabbled in machinima, couture, skin, and now hair. Depending on who he is currently attached to, you might find his inspiration range from a sudden need to include more pink in his offerings *winks*, to launches of skin and now stretching to hair. SL clearly became "as shallow as a spring sun shower puddle" when he decided to jump into the communal pool known as hair design. Truth Hair is an exciting new release of well done, subtle, and charming styles. The textures are the staple of colors, guaranteed to fit most requirements, but sadly offering no real deviation from the norm. I asked him not to make pink. Haha! I know, that's awful coming from me, but I prefer blonde with red tips to add my pink to. I, for one, look to textures to offer a broader variety such as darkened ends, or more eclectic coloring. This is me wearing Sunday in blonde, pinked, of course ("self photo taking pixelated lovin thy self" )... loving the lil wispy flexi ends that flutter around my neck. However it is just the launch of Truth Hair, and with the beginning of this new enterprise, I think the textures offered are adequate leaving room for him to grow as a hair designer.

Does anyone else find it ironic that mister throw fashion in your face decided to lower himself to the level of offering review copies? Is he staying True to himself and his viewpoints by offering them up only to the fringe elements... such as ourselves? Could this ::gasp:: mean he cares what we think? Oh no, you mean it might matter that others like his work? Ya think? Sure, being an artist is a great thing. Caring only about what *you* think about your craft... kinda counterproductive to trying to be successful in business. Truth has portrayed himself to be the darling prima donna badboy of the fashion world. Demanding only evian in his trailer, and trashing hotel rooms gridwide. And yet, I'll allow it :P Truth shows the same precision and focus on details and the finished product that he always does. Talented, yes. Cuddly and friendly, notsomuch.
Hey, I'm easy. I don't have to like his politics in order to wear his hair. :p You can find the new hair at *TRUTH* or read his blog at Truth Designs.

Oh, wait wait! I thought he didn't LIKE bloggers? Pick a side, Truth baby.
you guys are obsessed with this truth character, its getting old.
Just a serious note.
Calla have no affiliation with my hair product.
Haedon my SL partner did not help me with the hair.
I'm copping a bit of heat from the missus ... JELLY!! And pets are not on my agenda though Carrie Tatsu make very good ones ANON. Also don't hate on furrys i know a few sexy ones i would snuggle. If i was single of course!!!
Truth is full of shit, don't you all know that by now? Ignore him and move on. Jelly I have to say that you put some thought into this one I love your comparison except Peter isn't self absorbed and self contradicting. He should ask to remove his blog from the feed also.
You know Peter Petrelli? COOL!!!!
Patiently awaits to see who his next victim..errrm...partner of the week is =insert evil laugh=
Everytime he gets a new one those ladies lose all credibility with me. Fickle much Truth?
I'm sure ladies care about their credibility with someone they don't know the name of haha and this is related to Truth's product how? wow attacking someone's personality based on their dealings with ex girlfriends instead of their design ability is pretty sad, right next time I go shopping I'll be sure check their partnering history and whether they approve of fashion lame.
Sounds like he gave it to you as a friend, since this blog is not a fashion blog at all, which kinda renders the latter half of your argument totally moot, and kinda points out how cunty you can be that you turn that around to attack him for giving you free shit.
Oh I'm sorry I thought it was clear that yes he did give me the hair to review on this blog, in fact he stated "Mean Girls" since I have two. I feel that gave me plenty of right as a blogger to address his no-review copy rule that he himself stated on a deleted post. Though I feel I had every right to write the blog exactly as I did and really shouldn't have to defend my views... Truth was not blindsided. I told him in advance that if I blogged it here that I wasn't going to fluff him by no means. kkthxbai
Sorry, I didn't know he gave them as review copies when I posted. It wasn't totally clear to me anyhow.
I guess I don't get why he gave them to you to review on here since you guys don't do fashion blogging, at least not officially. But that's another row to hoe.
Bitchy comments cheerfully withdrawn.
Wow, lots of haters eh? Looks like it's time for Truth to get yet another new character to play under *winx*
dah, dah, dah, Mr Truth has made some jolly fine clothes, that's all I care about...
I thought it was wierd that when he emerged as a new designer he was showing signs of an "already established designer" and was using an alt with "Truth". He is/was too good to be THAT new.
He also knows how to play the game too well as a bad boy which tells me he's been around the block a few times.
I'm curious to know what other characters he has as per anon 11:54. Anyone care to enlighten?
Ya know what? I officially can't stand people who post nasty comments under 'anonymous'. Grow some balls, people.
Regardless, I didn't mind this post really. Jelly's just posting like any Mean Girl usually posts... she tells the truth without regard for what anyone else has to say, and that's the whole point, right?
I recently found Truth Designs and while I don't like everything in there I do still like to take a peek at the new crazes he puts out.
Also folks... please read the whole blog post before you start attacking the author. K?
so truth is all against the fashion blogger scene and above accepting awards from them as he states in an insulting post but he is catering to/USING them for his own gain
i'm not sure who's sadder...the 'fans' who keep buying into his so fake 'rebel' image or you bloggers who keep letting him bend you over and give it to you in the a$$
lmao @ "♪ Guenevere's " coward comment. That's so old, and just an excuse for the non anonymous to pride themselves above someone based on who said it.
And to Anonymous 8:52.I'm not at liberty to say who he was before "Truth." Hes quickly becoming the second Tenshi Vielle.I've also heard he has a giner IRL.
LMFAO @ Anon 3:52 Thats why I asked because I've heard many times that he is a woman irl and also a popular female designer in sl. Who better to "play" a bad boy in a game then someone with a "giner"? Come on people someone spill it =D
I am pretty sure Truth is a dude of some sort since he voices with all his girlfriends. Did you honestly just type giner? LOL
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