What can I say? I am so incredibly honored to be asked to join the ranks of the Mean Girls! I just hope I can live up to the name :)
So I'll tell you a little about my evil, wicked mean and nasty self and how I came to be...
I drag my sorry carcass out of bed one morning and decide I want to be a cartoon vampire….Hmmmm… no I don’t think that’s how it happened. Well the dragging my sorry carcass part is probably accurate as that is a common daily event,
but actually I’m not quite sure how I got here. I do seem to remember it involved my hubby saying something like “hey check this out” which usually involves trouble, or money, or both. And true to form… it did.
I was such a sweet and innocent noob. I know I know... me??? Sweet and innocent? Trust me, it only lasted about a week. Prim skirts and blue hair just aren’t my thing, but being a vampire??? Well it started off as a joke. See hubby is going to school to be a blood sucking lawyer and we decided to play the part. Little did I know it would stick. I’ve been a member of the legions of undead for just under a year now, and prim skirts are a thing of the past. Now I have a wardrobe that would turn any Hollywood Boulevard Ho green with envy. Amazing what you can wear when gravity isn’t an issue. Not to mention the fact that I don’t have to breathe being dead and all. And thank god for SPF 5000 sunblock.
So here I am living out my wildest fantasies via my computer. When you say it out loud it doesn’t sound so bad. Riiiight? Who would have thought my wildest fantasies would be to own my own island with tier fees that rival my RL house payment? I have a huge house that never requires cleaning, god I need one of these in RL, I never gain a pound, and bad hair days are a thing of the past. Unless you consider not being able to attach it a bad thing. And now that my rear end has recovered from repeatedly having my shoes take up residence there, it really couldn’t be better!
So effective immediately I’m canceling my subscription to RL and moving in to SL permanently. I wonder if I can bring my dog?
"So effective immediately I’m canceling my subscription to RL and moving in to SL permanently. I wonder if I can bring my dog?"
omg, it's so funny that u put that! the only thing i'm missing in my virtual life is my dog! i've searched the grid for a virtual yorkie, but no luck!
"Who would have thought my wildest fantasies would be to own my own island with tier fees that rival my RL house payment?"
Wow, must be nice! The only bill of mine an island tier fee rivals is the power bill! It would probably take 7 or 8 islands to get to my RL mortgage... eesh.
Welcome Aboard Kaedy!!
Heeee! I keep asking if RL has an 'off switch', myself.
Welcome to the madness, Kaedy! *hugz*
Yay, welcome Kaedy!
Thank you Thank you! :) <--- huge grin
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