Saturday, January 26, 2008

We have teh pr0n (Or Kitty's utter shame)

The following post has been rated 'NC17' and is totally NSFW or any situation where people may see you and think you "Look like a saddo" Danke

Those evil miscreants at Are We Not Men? have been up to their nasty little games again. Upon hearing that a Mean Girl had starred in a porn film they've been working their naughty little arses off trying to uncover it. Well sorry boys, you have been scooped.

Rather than sit back and let you bray yourselves silly at your own cleverness I've decided to out myself and post the video here.

Ironic it may seem after my previous post (indeed the line "Old porn film surfaced on some bitching blog, laugh it off" seems to be almost Nostradamus like in it's predictive nature) but it's all so sadly true.

I'll trot out all the excuses of being young and reckless, but fuck it, 500L$ was a lot of money and I may be deep, but I'm materialistic.

So without further ado, I present my moment of shame.


Myg (Mercy Brown) said...

what a plot!

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a joke and clicked play to see what it was about... and my boss just happened to be walking past and f@*cking well fired me!

Tiernan Serpentine said...

OooOo nice vid, can we have more cock next time though?

Jeff said...

OMG! Wow. Well, at least now we know what Kitty was doing back in 1984...

And please, as if we are to believe only ONE Mean Girl® ever had a new hair weave to buy? I think not. Keep digging through all those skeletons in the closet ladies, we know some dusty old VHS tapes are buried in there somewhere...

(oh, and you can just skip past Tie's comment, she's so obviously not a film critic) *g*

Alyx Sands said...

Moment of shame? Hell no, that was totally hilarious and I giggled all the way through! What a great homage to 80s pr0n films! Including the funky music!

Alyx Sands

Sidonie said...

Whew! Hot. You should post your animation links,. lol.

IcyQueen Nightfire said...

this is hilarious! bravo!

Anonymous said...

Anyone else havg problems seeing this? It just gets to 99% buffered and then hangs.

Anonymous said...

"and my boss just happened to be walking past and f@*cking well fired me!"

You clicked on a porn film link, clearly labelled PORN at your JOB and got fired for watching porn?

And now you are pissed off?

Anon, old horse, you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Anonymous said...

nooot working for me...has that lil error icon...

Angel Horner said...

Oooo hot stuff...excuse me now... have to take care of...something...

Anonymous said...

I love the dialog here. So dramatic, so tempting. Pity it doesn't go all the way (dialog I mean).

Anonymous said...

So, like did the leak get fixed?


Sasy Scarborough said...

80's Porn , nope sorry no high heels and little ruffled socks, and you didnt have on freddy krueger fake fingernails, but other than that well done lol

xoxox Sasy xoxox

Anonymous said...


but why was the guys' name in bigger font when you did all the work!

Anonymous said...

Tiernan Serpentine:

May I quote the dutch author/comedian Kees van Kooten:
"Life is too short for soft-porn!".

naughty girl:

The video is published here as well, not in in Flash

Anonymous said...

naughty girl: I mean to say:, not in Windows Media, but in Flash